Would anyone know how to fix the spreadsheet like it was before to where the user ID was listed by days since the application was delivered? I actually am pissed someone changed my date and moved me out of order. I noticed this and changed it. Please do not touch someone's ID and row of information if it is not yours. I saw a comment above about why so many Sydney, Nova Scotia's. I am from the states but my office for outland was Sydney, Nova Scotia so that is probably the case for many other users.
I guess someone is editing the file so all the applicants are in order by date received, which is nice to have and easier to follow.
About Sydney, that column means a Visa Office that is responsible for your application
after it's transferred there from Syndey (like the second stage). Like for applicants from India the VO is in New Delhi. Case processing centre in Sydney, NS, is
not responsible for the second stage of applications, so it's definitely not your case, neither other applicants