Hi all,
I just got my ECA done for my Medical Degree from India. Initially it looked like a herculean task as I had no idea how it was to be done. So I went through many forums and from bits and pieces of the information I carried on with the process and fortunately got successful. So I decided to make a thread for those aspirants who are still searching for the procedures or for those who will need it in future.
Photocopy your medical degree (medical degree is the one in which it is stated that you have completed your medical degree including your internship, which is usually given to you on your day of graduation by your college or later by your university)
2. Check if your medical degree mentions the name of your college and its address anywhere in it. If not get another document, may be your official internship completion record or any such document which has the address and get its photocopy also.
3. Now create an
account in physicians.apply. There will be a registration fee which has to be made with a . credit card only and in CAD.Your account will be created once payment is confirmed.
4. Once account is created, check the side panels where you can see an option called
source verification request. Click!!
Fill up the required infos and submit the request, again there's a fee.
Print out the pages they ask you to do so ( 2 cover sheets one for passport and other one for degree, an identity confirmation document, a release form)
7. Next step is to
find a public notary(or any other person as they have mentioned)
and get attestation done for your Passport copy and identity confirmation document only. While getting the attestation please read through the instructions carefully.
8. Now
send all the 6 documents(copy of medical degree and its cover, passport copy and its cover, identity confirmation, release form ;
note: if you have another record to provide the address of your institution then that as well)
to MCC via courier.
Once they receive documents they will update that in your physicians.apply account and then they will
verify your document and
send it to ECMG for source verification.
Once ECFMG receive it they will then send it to your institution for Source verification. It will all take about 2-3 weeks time.
10. If your institution is registered with ECFMG for electronic source verification then it will take only a day's time for the SVR to be completed and send back to ECFMG by your institution. You just have to remain in touch with your college authority and see to it that they does it without any delay.
Once SVR is send back from your college in 1-2 days, your status will get updated as source verification passed.
Then you can apply for ECA assessment via other services request in physicians.apply,
additional 104CAD for that.
13. Once you submit the request, in 3-4 days time you will get an e-copy of your ECA report in your account. The physical copy may take 1-2 weeks time.
Thats it

Thank you all
PS: Thanks to all those who helped me with my earlier queries