Happy New Year guys.
I decided to write this thread to help anyone who may be in need of some form of positivity and hope in their life. I wrote my IELTS exam three times and there was a story for each situation. The first time i failed only my reading and was unable to use the scores at all. I was quite upset and in just one more week i rewrote the exam. I passed all the criteria but found out the numbers were still too low making my score 432. I did not know what to do and started losing hope. I even got scared of the exam and was hesitant to reschedule a new exam date.
I finally set a new date and gave myself a month to study and studied like my life depended on it. I read every single moment i was not sleeping. Immediately i woke up, on the way to work, during my lunch, coming back from work and finally before bed. I did this for a whole month every single day. I wrote my exam and passed everything except writing, I got 5.5 and the others were higher than a 7. I almost fainted from the result. My sister told me to lets remark so I paid the amount with the hope that ill receive my refund back. I'm religious and my family prayed and fasted and three weeks later, i got my new score and a refund. I needed a 6 and i got a whole 6.5, 1 whole band score increase.
I really hope this gives people faith and courage to try this and in worse case scenario if you have to rewrite it just do it because when you look back on this, it really might be a funny story. If you are also religious,I advise you to pray. I prayed to God everyday and he answered my prayer.
Wishing everyone a successful application!
I decided to write this thread to help anyone who may be in need of some form of positivity and hope in their life. I wrote my IELTS exam three times and there was a story for each situation. The first time i failed only my reading and was unable to use the scores at all. I was quite upset and in just one more week i rewrote the exam. I passed all the criteria but found out the numbers were still too low making my score 432. I did not know what to do and started losing hope. I even got scared of the exam and was hesitant to reschedule a new exam date.
I finally set a new date and gave myself a month to study and studied like my life depended on it. I read every single moment i was not sleeping. Immediately i woke up, on the way to work, during my lunch, coming back from work and finally before bed. I did this for a whole month every single day. I wrote my exam and passed everything except writing, I got 5.5 and the others were higher than a 7. I almost fainted from the result. My sister told me to lets remark so I paid the amount with the hope that ill receive my refund back. I'm religious and my family prayed and fasted and three weeks later, i got my new score and a refund. I needed a 6 and i got a whole 6.5, 1 whole band score increase.
I really hope this gives people faith and courage to try this and in worse case scenario if you have to rewrite it just do it because when you look back on this, it really might be a funny story. If you are also religious,I advise you to pray. I prayed to God everyday and he answered my prayer.
Wishing everyone a successful application!