Hi, I'm a B.Tech and MBA from MDU India, I submitted my documents to wes on 12th oct 2018, the status went to evaluation in progress on 23rd Oct. Now suddenly on 2nd November the status went to on hold (verification for the mba docs) I reached out to my university and they said on the 3rd Nov that they had replied. Upon enquiring with WES via their twitter handle they denied receiving any information, i reached out to the university again on 13th and they confirmed that due to some technical glitch they didn't send the verification email initially but they confirmed that they've replied on 13th of November. Now upon reaching out to WES again the Twitter handle replied with and ambiguous answer "Hello, please allow 2-3 business days to change your status when we receive new documents." I'm puzzled as to what is going on my application is still on hold. Can anybody advise me on how to proceed from here?? Thanks