Requesting for permanent residence is an investigation into both the Sponsor and the Applicant and each case is individualistic. They give us a time line of a "month" to send us our notes and during this period security looks at our applications before they send out the notes. Many things are taken into consideration when GCSM notes are requested, starting from how long have they been processing the application, where is the applicant residing, how many times have you requested the notes, who is asking for the notes and making sure everything links up. etc.....This entire process to sponsor is an "investigation", so they are going to investigate why we are investigating too. It makes perfect sense.
The very last part of the sponsorship process is the security and criminal check, for those who's applications have gone past the deadline, we can be certain that the file is stuck in the security/criminal stage and for those people who think that by contacting them to get the GCMS notes is going to speed up the process, that is not true, who can honestly think that they have that sort of power to make agents speed up their work, simply because we are asking for notes? The only thing that speeds up the process is when we contact our MP and the file is basically completed. There are policies and procedures that they have to follow in order to give out PR and this must be followed.