Date application received at the Mississauga office: May 1, 2018
Sponsorship Approval email and medical request: July 19, 2018
Medical passed: July 24, 2018
File transferred to Paris visa office email: July 24, 2018
I have spoken to an officer on 2 separate occasions and they say the normal thing, that the application is coming along normally and they saw that I requested the ECAS notes. The second agent that I spoke to explained to me that when I request these notes, it holds up the application process. In the ECAS notes it is noted that I had called and spoke to an agent to ask for general information and that the ECAS notes were requested and emailed to me.
All seems to be processing normally in the notes, but it is clear that they have not started the back ground check, which is the criminal and security check, although we submitted the criminal report already along with the Schedule A. The Sponsorship approval passed and my husbands medical passed.
I am praying that we have a change to "Decision Made" by January, 2019. The agent that I spoke to over the phone the second time said that the goal is to have applications, that do not have an issue, processed in 12 months, which is also noted on the Canadian Immigration web site. I am the Sponsor and my husband is the Principal Applicant.

The start date for the processing period is from the date that they receive the file, which for me is May 1, 2018 so hopefully, Inshallah, we will have completed all and my husband will be here by May 1, 2019.