If this fact was known or has been now known to the judicial authorities where the DUI was disposed, then the person is admissible. If this fact was covered up in court proceedings and is still concealed to this moment, then the person is inadmissible for having committed an act that is an offense where it was committed. If, for example, you voluntarily correct the data with your real name and no further charges are brought as a result of this, then the person becomes admissible. Also, there are statutes of limitations regarding how far back you can be charged with using the fake Id and it varies between states so if the period has already elapsed you can safely update the information and then proceed to apply to Canada.THE DIU was charge to the FAKE ID, after that this person stop using fake papers , but all DIU rehabiitation documents are with the fake id name, was never charge or convicted for the fake id, will become inadmisible?
In any case, the previously used name must be declared on the application as having been known by a different name, and this will undoubtedly induce a line of inquiry into the circumstances. Please note that fingerprints are collected for purposes of background checks and the records will inevitably be discovered along with the different alias used.