Hello Folks,
I am sorry for reviving the thread although it appears to be dead as the most recent message that I see is dated October 2017, and whatsapp chat link doesn't appear to be working as well
It is so amazing to see that many people from Turkey are pursuing the dream to move to canada on PR status, I truly hope that all of you have achieved your objectives.
As I am in the pool with 431 points with CLB9, and hopefully planning to reach CLB10 by upcoming IELTS on 2nd of June, I have been collecting all necessary documentation for preparation to post ITA (i.e. PCCs, work experience letters etc.). I have three questions as follows, about which I will deeply appreciate your valuable guidance:
1- After receiving ITA, the main applicant is expected to provide birth certificates for the dependent children. I can think of three documents, which demonstrate the parental relationship to the dependent (i.e. Uluslararası Doğum Belgesi (Formül A) , Nüfus Kayıt Örneği and Turkish National ID). Could you please advise which of these documents am I required to upload ?
2- For those applicants with success, would you kindly advise the document that I need to upload for PCC from Turkey ? Is the english document with barcode, which is obtained from Turkish Government e-portal (i.e. e-devlet) going to suffice ? Or do I have to obtain the wet signed document from prosecutors office (i.e. Ankara Adliyesi) and have it translated by sworn translator and have it duly notarized as well ?
3- I have read the discussion in previous pages in connection with the affidavit requirement. Is the sworn translator's stamp plus the notary stamp sufficient ? Or do we need to search for a translator who can also sign the affidavit form as well ? How did you sort it out ?
Right, too many questions, and now, one recommendation: I have been working on the proof of funds letter, trying to convince the banks to issue as per the exact same requirement stipulated under CIC's website. I have two accounts, one being in Enpara (Finansbank) and another being in Akbank. It took me three months of yelling over the phone to obtain it from Enpara, but I finally did it and the good thing is that they have me as the example, so anyone keeping their savings in Enpara will be able to obtain the PoF letter, which demonstrates the average account balances for the past six months. Coming to Akbank, it was not a big trouble at all, they asked me to prepare and send the draft over to them so as to check with the management. All I did was sending the draft and on the same day I received the confirmation. By the way, I am well aware that I am going to have to receive updated letters on post ITA phase, however, I only attempted to receive these letters beforehand, to actually see if I could receive them.
Thanks in advance