I had test and interview few weeks back, at that time the officer mentioned she might send for more documents if she is not able reconcile my entry/exit dates with ICES. I have been collecting documents for while and still trying to get all sorts of documents for any potential RQ. Yesterday I noticed Decision Made in ECAS.
Does that mean I can stop worrying about RQ and stop collecting documents for potential RQ.
Thanks for your input.
While RQ after Decision Made is possible, and has happened (such as, for example, when an applicant is obviously living abroad after applying), after the applicant obtains Decision Made status the odds of RQ are very, very low (even if the applicant is living abroad), in the range of very RARE.
Congratulations are probably in order.
So you can probably stop worrying. Keep/maintain what documents you have collected, but odds are very, very good you do not need to collect any further documents.
Interviewer observations vary widely and are not easily deciphered by the applicant himself or herself, let alone by anyone not present, let alone by anyone who is not well-acquainted with most of the relevant facts, so of course no one here can definitively state what the interviewer meant. That said, these remarks appear to be a type of verbal boilerplate, comparable to what this interviewer (and many others) might typically say to most applicants. Thus not an expression of concern applicable to the specific applicant, but more about the process generally and a caution that a final decision is made AFTER the interview attendant further review (which might be a perfunctory review, or it could be deeply substantive).
That is, these comments by the interviewer were probably general comments and NOT about your case particularly. There probably was NO reason to worry at all. But sure, better to be prepared just in case.
Again, congratulations are probably in order. Unfortunately, it is difficult to forecast how soon you will be scheduled for the oath . . . could be real soon or not for months. Hopefully sooner rather than later.