Hi Bryanna, Thanks for your all help. Please let me know if I need to validate IMM5257 & IMM5257b_1 both?
Also, I had applied under FSW program 8-10 years back, had received request from CIC to submit my documents & Police Clearance certificate But then later on they sent me a letter stating that we are terminating your application as it is affected by Law of operation since we are terminating files submitted before February 2008 and the result on which is awaited. I had received one file no. that time which BXXXXXXXXX but I never received UCI no. So what should I mention in UCI or I leave it blank?
Also, I had applied under FSW program 8-10 years back, had received request from CIC to submit my documents & Police Clearance certificate But then later on they sent me a letter stating that we are terminating your application as it is affected by Law of operation since we are terminating files submitted before February 2008 and the result on which is awaited. I had received one file no. that time which BXXXXXXXXX but I never received UCI no. So what should I mention in UCI or I leave it blank?