From the main CIC website, on the top right where there's a search option... do the following:
1-Type in "Discover Canada" in the search
2-Click on the 1st link "Study Guide-Discover Canada-the Rights and Responsibilities of
3- Click "Order" from the list of 4 options (Read online, Listen, Download, Order)
4- Click "Order a Publication" (just for reference, the address right below that option says Ottawa, but when I received mine, the envelop said Kanata, ON)
5- Click "Citizenship" from the left panel
6- Choose how many copies you want (French /English option) and select "add to cart"
7- Click "Add shipping information" to add your mailing address
8- Click "Save shipping information"
9- Click "Continue to Submit your order"
And I believe that's it....if not, then it's probably just another straight forward step or two to finalize your order.
By the way, it's FREE, so you won't be charged anything....not even for shipping.
Happy studying & hope the steps are helpful
