Today my ECAS has been updated with this info:
We sent (my wife) correspondence on September 14, 2017. If (my wife) has not yet provided the information or the requested documents, please have her do so as soon as possible. Please wait until (my wife) receives the correspondence before sending us additional information, as the correspondence will outline all information that is required.
Now I remember receiving the letter from Immigration Canada on Sept 14th, 2017 asking Additional documents, Signing of NN / Wedding pics both Husband & Wife.
NN - English Translation
I have uploaded in GCKEY all the required PICS whatever I can and as much as I can and English translation of NN very next day i.e. Sept 15th, 2017
Deadline to provide the required docs / pics was Oct 14th, 2017.
Now I am shocked, surprised to see their comments in ECAS that after "More than 7 months" IRCC still looking for those docs?

though deadline was Oct 14th, 2017, and i have uploaded the docs via GCKEY and it was confirmed in GCKey as well with the comments :"
Replacement Provided"
Now how come all of a sudden IRCC started looking for the same docs again? after more than 7 months on Apr 20th, 2018?
Also at the same time IRCC asking her to wait until she receives the correspondence before sending us additional information, as the correspondence will outline all information that is required.
I don't get it? IRCC asking her to do ASAP? and then asking her to wait for Additional Documents as it will outline all information that is required?
I have not received any email notification. As per my habit i just logged into ECAS. Nothing new in GCKey sam
Any help / tips here?
i will be sending out an email to LVO ASAP but i do so, i need some advise and tips here.!