now this is an open ended question, A very hard one to write one, why ? because under exam pressure, one can easily switch sides, mean can loose purpose, focus, or can change the meaning entirely, or started writing something and ended with completely different one.
how would you define progress ? in which dimension is it ? what is it exactly ? how do you perceive it ?
yea it is all about one's perception, nothing else. And perceptions change alot, be careful there.
Let's see...
so he chose to take it in human evolution context, Planet condition, living standard, ease, comfort
see question
"progress is always good?"
it said only good, but it implies that there is something bad or opposite of good, see its very tricky. be careful you people.
because question is open ended, you can define whatever good or bad, both are in your own hands.
he declared goods loudly, living standard, ease, comfort
bads in subtle way, : condition of planet,environment losses,negatively many other aspects of our life
this introduction is quite complex, if one wants to dissect further, it not a normal one right out of a mechanical mill, seems like a professional writer, the kind of one you normally saw in editorial pages.
"Although we should be thankful for progress, we must always keep in mind a number of threats associated with the progress."
from this sentence, it seems like balance approach essay, feels like saying, enjoy but with precautions. this can go in any way..
again same pattern, clear idea > explanation > linked to main idea(Progress)
1st sentence, clever use of word heritage, now it can include many things,
2nd sentence, issues, events and inventions, see neither good nor bad, use of 'we' because of humankind otherwise not possible to use it
3rd sentence, explanation
4th sentence, example, used semi-colon

5th sentence, ancient books are also heritage, right ?, clearly shows he knows what heritage is.
6th sentence, linked back to main idea
this pattern is quite standard one, a best one to fetch highest scores.
1st sentence, it doesn't sound good, should be something like :
Furthermore, progress might cause inevitable mutation in people.
Furthermore, progress might cause inevitable mutation and weaken people.
Furthermore, progress might cause inevitable mutation and weaken people physically.
2nd sentence, reason, use of Truly. Truly, I rarely see it in essays.
3rd sentence, explanation or result of reason. but sense doesn't seem right to me. so:
Nowadays, as a result of omnipresent public transportation system, need of walking is greatly reduced, thus human cardiovascular system narrowing blood flows in body.
Nowadays, as a result of omnipresent public transportation system, people rarely walk for long distances, thus human cardiovascular system narrowing blood flows in body.
4th sentence, clear conclusion of "negatively many other aspects of our life" but not linked back to progress, its okay, small para, started with "progress might"
again same pattern as above, started with main idea (progress) > example > explanation.
1st sentence, stated good
2nd sentence, a little concession or can say recognition of bad,
3rd sentence, precisely restated
Now there is a problem in this essay.
actual question was :
Do you agree or disagree
sadly, he neither agreed nor disagreed to any degree, this essay is neutral one,
best answer for , discuss advantages and disadvantages or
progress is always good, now Discuss, or something like that.
his own opinion is missing in this essay which answers "you", means a single sentence with an "I" could have fixed it.
"To sum up, progress brings us many good things and makes our life easier. However
, there are a few threats of progress we should pay attention
to. Progress might affect human heritage, change people physical and natural condition, and influence human relations."
read this conclusion, here "affect human heritage, change people physical and natural condition, and influence human relations"
all 3 are bad, right ?
he stated progress is good, but retaliated with more bad, therefore he must disagree with "progress is good"
why ??
all 3 paragraphs are also stating that progress is bad, I mean the result you take from each paragraph.
Do you agree or disagree that progress is always good?
problem is "Always" not progress, understand that:
re-written :
"To sum up, progress might brings us many good things and makes our life easier. However
, there are some serious threats of progress we should pay attention to, such as human heritage,human relations and change in people's physical and natural conditions. Hence, I could not agree that progress is always good. "
now some would say, you totally pasted the "progress is always good", yup feels fine to me but we can rewrite it.
Hence, I disagree with the "always good" part of statement.
As some may consider progress is always good but, I disagree.
no doubt this essay is band 8 or above, but missing an important point costs band, he didn't write for it, but if someone is reading this, be careful..
some people would say, this guys is crazy over use of simple grammar such as would/could etc, but keep in mind, if english is not your first language or not learnt properly or not for extensive period of time, most non-native people will not use them in writing, their essays will contain of small simple sentences mostly, in other words, without any complexities.
and I can differentiate a bad essay from good one, but can rarely write a good one

maybe because I read alot.

2.30 in morning, and I am late for bed. see yaa.