They don't go exactly month by month. It'a continously rolling operation.
Here is the simple explanation for what you are observing:
Number applications by order they came in:
1, 2, 3, 4, ... , 48, 49, 50
What you seem to expect is that AOR is given in this exact order:
1, 2, 3, 4, ... , 48, 49, 50
That is unrealistic. As follows:
Let's say there are two people working in Sydney. Call them Bob and Sarah.
- Monday: Bob is done with all his applications. He's going to the mail room and picks up a pile. He takes applications 1, 2, 3, ..., 24, 25
- Tuesday: Sarah is done with all her applications. She goes to the mail room ad picks up a pile. She takes applications 26, 27, 28, ..., 49, 50
Assuming that both are equally fast at going through their pile, the order of AOR will be:
1, 26, 2, 27, 3, 28, ... 24, 49, 25, 50
So as you can see the 26th application will be done waaaay before the 25th application is done.
Result: AORs are given
roughly in order of delivery but not
exactly in order of delivery.
- Of course there are more than two people working in Syndey, so things get even more messed up.
- Of course not every employee works at the same speed and sometimes employees go on vacation/are sick/whatever, so that messes up the order even more, because they might make a break mid-pile
So as easy as that you will never have a perfect order of applications.
I hope that helps