In our case, its mailed to our representative, and she mailed to us.this pre-arrival services mail is emailed or in the gc key account?
In our case, its mailed to our representative, and she mailed to us.this pre-arrival services mail is emailed or in the gc key account?
Gc keythis pre-arrival services mail is emailed or in the gc key account?
ask ur rep if your bgc status has changed on gc key?In our case, its mailed to our representative, and she mailed to us.
its still "in process"ask ur rep if your bgc status has changed on gc key?
what is the wording?its still "in process"
we are processing your background checkwhat is the wording?
we are processing your background check OR your application is in progress?
oh wow its been like that since a while and they still took this long? omg what are they doingwe are processing your background check
d is YESHi guys,
One query regarding IMM 5669 - Schedule A form
I have been previously applied Temporary resident Visa (TRV) once which got refused in INDIA -
while filling out IMM5669 at Point 4 option 'd' , do I need to check "Yes" ?
and Point 4 option 'e' also "Yes"
Have you got the pre-arrival message already? If so, when did you get it?you get an email saying there is a message in the gckey account
That means they’re making this as 10 months...since you applied in June...found some info from GCMS notes..
eligibility - in progress
security - not started
criminality - passed
medical - passed
info sharing - complete
paper file location - FCU-DIS
due date 2018/04/03 (is it really April 03)
for security, due date is 2018/07/06That means they’re making this as 10 months...since you applied in June...
There are many applicants getting PPRs when they’re in their 10th month or getting closer...
However you can check if the date was anything else before and later updated to April.