About the U.S., some days I feel like Michael Corelone (Godfather III):
"Just when I thought I was out . . . they pull me back in."
Fortunately this is mostly about FBAR and the IRS, just paperwork. While the border is less than an hour away (though nearest small town with restaurants and such, in the U.S., is two hours away, and nearest city is three hours), that is one S* hole country I prefer to avoid as much as I can. Lots and lots of reasons. How much I am happy to be Canadian and living in Canada at the top of the list. Nixon-Reagan-Bush-Trump legacy (meaning the millions and millions supporting them and of an all too like mind, as much as them themselves), however, also near the top of the list.
Edit-to-add: For what it is worth, I was hammered with commands to love-it-or-leave-it more than a half-century ago, before Nixon ascended to the highest office (but after Nixon was the muscle on the Congressional side of Senator Joe McCarthy's reign of terror, when I was very young and Truman was the U.S. President . . . Nixon played a prominent role in the HUAC, which for some reason is rarely referenced by historians; while most people tend to associate McCarthy with the HUAC and the black list it fueled, whereas in fact McCarthy, as a Senator, was not even a member of the House Un-American Activities Committee). For nearly two decades I believed in love-it-or-change-it. Yeah, I can be a bit on the slow side. Even after I began to formulate an escape plan, it took me nearly two more decades to actually accomplish it. No looking back.