your case does not sound bad at all. There was a Hindu priest- you have photos of him! Include it! You had families there- include it. Basically just include all the evidences you can- you should be fine. Just make sure to include an explanation of everything. On each picture, include a little explanation of what you are doing!
You have enough evidences for before/after wedding and it is a genuine relationship- there is nothing to worry about in these situations! If they are still crazy and ask you for traditional photos after including an explanation (I am pretty sure they won't) then you can explain again. Just whatever you said here, say it in a better "official" way in a letter and things should be A-OKAY

I know of a situation where the coupel did not perform religoious cermony, just did the engagement, and court marriage and they were asked to send traditional wedding photos (mind you this was an arranged marriage, and they had no prior evidence of a relationship so it is obvious that NDVO would ask for more evidence in this situation as the couple thought they could speed up the process by just doing an engagement and a court marriage)- However, your case is different! You are married, you were in a long relationship, you have evidences, you have explanations- Not a problem!