Hello Everyoneee i have landed on 1 june successfully.
My Experience was good not bad.
I have trouble with CoPR actually they print Given Name in Family name section . But i got Sin and bank account they are very helpful and said you should update as it got corrected.
CoPR is very Important so keep it in hand safe in some sort of file.
I had trouble with tickets because i added surname in my Parents Ticket but on Passport it wasnt printed i got that fix by conversation but always use just same name as printed on Passport .
Delhi to London was good i was in premium seating , still its good to carry Neck Rest or Neck Pillow for ease.
on plane you ll get Declaration Card fill it correctly and tell them about Funds and jewellery .
There is section of If you carrying any Veggi meat etc products ( My advice is not carry those things i was having Knor chicken soup and they said i have to remove it so it was pain to find in 5 bags) You can get many things at airport etc etc so dont need to carry food for emergency
I attend Immigration 1 and 2 it took about 4 - 5 hours to complete you have to sit and just wait for your turn they took little bit time you might get bored , i landed at night so there was no rush but it just took tim
WIFI at airport is free -it ll dc after 15 mints just sign in again put email address , confirm email in ur mail id and there you go Unlimited free wifi.
I had my friend address and Friend at airport so i didnt book cab if you need can you can call or you can go outside i saw some cabs jus wave them and they ll serve you.
About Custom and All
No body ask me nothing , I declare my money you can carry as much you just need to declare above 10000 $
I didnt declare jewellery by myself my friend told me that i shd have told them as there is no custom for immigrants first time- i had gold in handbag they know everything of course but they didnt ask... so clearing custom took about 5 mints i waste my time on just finding chicken soup packet
I will still recommend you to make list Bag wise it ll be easy if they ask .
On Immigration 1 - they ask for Passport CoPR and ask you question if u ever did crime or got arrested .
On Immigration 2 - they just ask if you are stayin in Quebec I said yes and they book appointment for you for medical and you can get sin no any time at Service Canada ( checkout local located office )
for apartment you have to be here to sign lease and they took 1 -2 days if you ask them to furnish . So book a hotel for couple of days or vacation home or you can call to owner if they can give you a favour.
P.S - Travel Cheque took 48 hrs i ask them to release few so they gave 2000$ and card etc right away ( TD bank )
Didnt applied for Mobile or diving license yet i ll update as i get
Any ques lemme know