You need to understand what Sydney and Ottawa do. Sydney is the centralized intake office. Every single PNP application around the world goes to Sydney. Initially, Sydney checks the eligibility of the applicant which is basically your PNP nomination. If passed, then medicals are requested and eventually it's sent to a local consulate where they process and finish the application.
If the application is an inland application, Sydney will send the application to Ottawa. However, here is the frustration of many people and why people get PPR in 10 months and others in 20+ months. When Sydney checks the original nomination eligibility, everything else doesn't have to be checked or reviewed if it comes back blank. If your medical or PCC don't have any issues, then there's nothing to check for so in that moment Sydney can make the decision. If there's any issue and your application requires further reviewing, then it'll be sent to Ottawa for eligibility. Further reviewing = longer processing times. Once Ottawa reviews your case, Ottawa will make the decision and regardless of who makes the decision, Ottawa is responsible for visa stamping in Canada so PPR will always come from Ottawa.
So answering your question, DM comes from whoever is processing your application.
Reason for Ottawa to check eligibility:
criminal record or criminal convictions
medical record shows potential drowning in health or social systems
MoC(Marriage of Convenience)
adding or removing a dependent in the middle of the application
dependent(s) have visas denied
PA or dependent(s) have previously denied entry to Canada
PA or dependent(s) have served in the military
I hope this helps