Can anyone please guide how does one find for which countries transit visa is needed while travelling from India to Canada?
There are few non stop flights from New Delhi to Canada but most of the flights have 1 or more stoppage on the way. Some of the places where flight stoppage are below:
It's very confusing as there is no transit visa exception or need is mentioned on the flight details.
If someone has traveled from India to Canada recently and can please share the experience of flights having 1 or more stoppage, it will be much appreciated!
On a somewhat similar concern, is there a better way to find economical flights other than searching the flights on online travel websites like makemytrip, cleartrip etc?
I read it somewhere that there are many hidden/overhead charges one can save if the flight booking is done in a planned & wise manner. Unfortunately, I don't know what those manners are!
Can anyone please guide the best way to plan a flight so that you are not ripped off by these websites?
Kind Regards!
There are few non stop flights from New Delhi to Canada but most of the flights have 1 or more stoppage on the way. Some of the places where flight stoppage are below:
- Addis, Ababa
- Chicago, US
- Abu Dhabi, UAE
- Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
- Lahore, Pakistan
- Hong Kong
- Tokyo, Japan
- Frankfurt, Germany
It's very confusing as there is no transit visa exception or need is mentioned on the flight details.
If someone has traveled from India to Canada recently and can please share the experience of flights having 1 or more stoppage, it will be much appreciated!
On a somewhat similar concern, is there a better way to find economical flights other than searching the flights on online travel websites like makemytrip, cleartrip etc?
I read it somewhere that there are many hidden/overhead charges one can save if the flight booking is done in a planned & wise manner. Unfortunately, I don't know what those manners are!
Can anyone please guide the best way to plan a flight so that you are not ripped off by these websites?
Kind Regards!