So I called my parents (ex-Sarah Palin groupies (#sad), now huge Trump fanatics (#evensadder)) yesterday to let them know we're extremely likely to move to Canada next year. We decided to give them some time to process it before we get there today for Thanksgiving and spend the night with the rest of the family.
That was a true load off of my chest.
There was a lot of silence on their end, but they didn't really say anything negative outright. About the only thing was that when I said "I'm sorry we didn't tell you sooner, but we were afraid you might overreact" (again, they're Trump/O'Reilly/Breitbart/Fox News fanatics) they replied with a scoff (my mom) and an incredulous "Us overreact?!?" (my dad) with clear implication that we are the ones overreacting by moving.
We've been in TX for 10 years now. Even before the election, we were thinking of moving somewhere. But just wanting change isn't really a good enough reason for them. I know they disapprove, but I always knew they would, regardless of where we went. And I knew that saying "Canada" would drive them up an ideological wall.
I will readily admit that we want to move because we're done with the all of the conservative politics, gun extremism, ridiculous heat, and overt religiousness here in TX. But those are the exact reasons why they themselves like it here. They were never really going to understand why we'd want to move. IMO, lack of empathy, compassion, and understanding are defining characteristics of conservatives in the US nowadays. At least of the ones we know personally.
Thankfully, my wife's side of the family is extremely supportive.
Regardless of how they finally take it, we've already made our decision. At this point we're just going through the motions until we finally make the jump. Which we're very, very exited about.
We'll see how they act when we're there. I'm good as long as I get some turkey (my mom's a great cook)! I just have to make sure my MIL (who is also going) doesn't get into a fight with my parents or brother. She's as far left as they are far right. It was fun when one of my brother's guests started a conversation about how slavery was justified and was good for blacks in America. And by "fun" I mean I ran outside before the blood started to flow.
I told my wife I'm going to finish every sentence with 'eh' while I'm there, and ask them if they want to see my Justin Trudeau tattoo (I don't have one). But she shut me down.
Anyway, I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving!!