In the final stages before submitting our common law application. Is it weird that i'm nervous?
So paranoid about missing something. For proof of cohabitation we have included (we have been living together w/my family in basement suite since August 10 2016):
-A lease agreement between my partner and I & my parents (we just found one online and filled it out, backdated to Aug 10 2016, and got it notarized)
-Both our licenses to same address, both issued Nov 15 2016
-joint bank account proof (though very recent – we only opened it in October 2017)
-other documents to same address, all separate, and all within the last few months so quite recent (ie. Paystubs, bank statements, insurance, and other mail to same address etc- mine go back a year and more but Principal applicants go back only last few months)
My QUESTION now is- should I write a brief explanation of why our evidence is lacking… ie no joint utility bills, no vehicle insurance, and everything else being rather recent? or is this just drawing attention to the fact (I feel at least) our evidence is on the weak side? I’m already pushing it by waiting until November to apply when we were common law since august. Forgive me if this is a stupid question... I'm just trying to cover all my bases.
thanks in advance!!
-A lease agreement between my partner and I & my parents (we just found one online and filled it out, backdated to Aug 10 2016, and got it notarized)
-Both our licenses to same address, both issued Nov 15 2016
-joint bank account proof (though very recent – we only opened it in October 2017)
-other documents to same address, all separate, and all within the last few months so quite recent (ie. Paystubs, bank statements, insurance, and other mail to same address etc- mine go back a year and more but Principal applicants go back only last few months)
My QUESTION now is- should I write a brief explanation of why our evidence is lacking… ie no joint utility bills, no vehicle insurance, and everything else being rather recent? or is this just drawing attention to the fact (I feel at least) our evidence is on the weak side? I’m already pushing it by waiting until November to apply when we were common law since august. Forgive me if this is a stupid question... I'm just trying to cover all my bases.
thanks in advance!!