Bill, your information is dependable. But this one is confusing. Please elaborate. GoC will announce 2018 quotas in _______ ? This should ideally be On or before Nov.17, unless you differ. People are mixing quota announcement with landings and targets. For people like us on far away shores waiting for the ship (CRS 400-410) , we simply wish to know the quotas for 2018, which will in turn impact streams like Ontario HCP and others, where we stand a slim chance .. rather Ray of Hope. Everything related to landing and targets is only a matter of subsequence and will fall in place. To get in, first we need to know where we stand, and that’s where our lives are hanging in balance!!I confirmed this matter a few weeks back directly from Government of Canada and they confirmed that Targets runs from January to December, however, plans run from April to March each year. Quotas of Provinces are renewed on 1 Jan each year.
So targets set are from April to March while target count is from Jan-Dec. GoC states that these targets are just a guidance and they will keep going even if PR crosses the Upper Limits, so they are estimates not quotas like Provinces.
I hope this will help.
Yours is the most dependable help around. And I request you to throw more light on this.
Thanks !