Our background check changed to in progress the same day we got our interview invite. Yesterday it changed to passed right after his successful interview!!!!!

Hubby is coming home with me!!! I pray for all of you with interviews in next coming weeks, and hope all those still waiting here soon, soon. Keep the faith, the pain, stress, anxiety, sadness all drops away and is immediately forgotten as soon as they tell you the magic words that they're approving the application!!

We arrived early. Interview was 1pm. Security let us in at 12:30. Hubby was called in at 1:30. His interview about 15-20min. Then they had him call me in, and she spoke to me for about 10 minutes. Then called the two of us together to say she was approving him. We then waited about an hour for the paperwork. She was an older woman, in her 50 or 60's. Kind, but still professional and firm.
Hubby's questions:
Whats your story? You came to Canada to work and then what? (Regarding his overstay/exclusion order)
When did you meet your spouse?
What kind of things did you and your spouse do together upon meeting?
When did you get married?
Who was at the wedding?
Did you have a honeymoon?
Does your spouses father work? Where?
Where does your spouses mother work?
Does your spouse have any siblings?
What do you plan to do when you reach Canada?
Where does your wife work?
Do you have any children?
Has your spouse met your daughter?
My questions:
Did you know about your husbands history? (Overstay)
When did we meet?
Where did we meet?
What do I like you?
Did we lived together in Canada?
Where is your family located?
Where do your parents work?
Do I have any siblings?
Are they in Canada?
Have I met my spouses "step-daughter" (trick question! I corrected her, that I have met my spouses daughter)
Is your husband currently employed?
What are our future plans?
Do you plan on starting a family?
Advice- be confident, and be truthful. Practice questions inside and out. Even though we didn't know what ones would be asked, all of them were questions we practiced. Don't wait on replying or overthink your answers. Elaborate!!! Don't give one worded responses. Know your application inside and out. Express how you feel for your spouse sincerely, the interviewer looks deep in your eyes when listening to gage for genuineness. Know your red flags! We knew going in that his overstay was our biggest red flag, and sure enough that was the first question asked to both of us and we both were prepared for that.