Hi all the lovely people here
I have good news. My mother finally got Visa. Her medical expires on October 6th. Visa office called us Wednesday night around 11 PM and asked if they issue visa if my mother can land before the 6th. We were shocked and could not decide anything. We said we need time to discuss. They said they will call back in a couple of hours. We called mother and decided we are going to proceed and land before the 6th of October. 28th early morning around 1 am they called again. they asked us to wait for the email. we stayed up all night finally received the email around 4 am. which is already 4.30 PM in Sri Lanka. Visa office wanted my mother to bring passport on Friday and was going to issue visa the same day.
We had an hour technically before all the studios closed to get her photos and prepare since we were going to work Submitted everything on Friday morning there. In the mean time we booked tickets to fly the same day to bring them over.30th landed in Sri Lanka and returning on the 3rd with mom.
so guys look out, prepare ahead of time. visa might be issued one week before medical expiry.
Rossei, please update my time line.
pp request on 28th Sep
visa issued on 29th Sep
will land on the 3rd October.
Yippi, but tiring, hectic few days.