According to Saskatchewan website, these are the required documents:
Express Entry Profile Number and Job Seeker Validation Code
Language Credentials
Education/Training Credentials
Work Experience Credentials
Settlement Funds and Settlement Plans
Police Report(s)
For the first step, I opened an Express Entry account and filled all the forms and questionnaires. In the end, I got this message:
We regret to inform you that you are no longer eligible to be in the pool. Check your messages below for details.
From the beginning, I knew that my final points will be below 400 and I won't be eligible to get into Express Entry pool. (Although all my points in Express Entry are blank and it says '
If no score is displayed, please check that you have met Minimum Entry Criteria above. If you have met the Minimum Entry Criteria but your score is not displayed, wait for 24 hours then try again.')
But I have the required 60 points (out of 100) to participate in Saskatchewan International Skilled Worker program.
According to CIC website, I can find Express Entry Profile Number and Job Seeker Validation Code in pdf file that is available in my account,
But since I wan not eligible for Express Entry pool, there is only Profile Number in my pdf and not Job Seeker Validation Code.
So haw can I apply for Saskatchewan International Skilled Worker program if I don't have Job Seeker Validation Code?
So complicated!!