Any inside know how, whay have the draws become less frequent and number of iTAs has also decreased ? I read on the forum, that it is due to the fact that employees are on leaves, but the last year draw showed greater intake in quarter 2.
Any 1 who can guide me?
I am planining to wait till december, for the crs to drop to 420s, else i think i will have to apply for australia
if we look further back,to before the EE,or immediately on launch of EE ,the picture was still a lot tougher...there are ppl still in the pool who had waited 2-3 years with paper application,when cic said,come apply afresh through EE ..many got pushed behind many of us because they are bit older,didn't have masters,or didn't score that high in ielts...
Anyway it is good call to wait till Dec because I still genuinely feel things will fall in place by then and you'll have your ita ...and anyway,no harm in getting prepared for alternatives too...
but may be it is a reminder that the life is all not that smooth and on ur times we've to persevere to get to the end...esp with regard to Canada as they are trying to build on strength from the immigrant population driven economy & are not inviting us all to cater to presently existing's like they want us to be there and make things work for ourselves and fellow it won't be without some serious struggles and a bit of patience to start with will surely help...
only airing my opinion...
best of luck to you and every expectant here...