PPR email tonight!
CEC Inland (Yeah CEC is back!!)
AOR: May 16
ME & IP1: July 28
NA2: August 2
IP2: September 2
PPR: September 6
To be honest.. my 4 months journey of waiting and tracking this forum has taught me:
1. As much as I hate to say this, but our entire life should not be dependent on this. The golden email will eventually come, so no need to panic in every second of your life. I understand a lot of you need to make plans ahead and cannot do so until the PPR email comes, but checking the portal/tracker many times a day will not expedite it either. Everyone has a unique profile and experiences, and the immigration officer needs to take his or her time to make the best decision - and really, it is however long they want/like to take. So take control of your own time, go enjoy other beautiful things in life, spend time with your families and local friends before you say goodbye and leave for Canada.
2. Someone else in this forum has mentioned this pattern before, and I agree: if you have a LOOONG NA2 (like a month), then expect your IP2 to be short before PPR; if you have a short NA2 (few days), then your IP2 will be longer wait. Either way, you will get your PPR and it will only be a matter of 1-2 months from NA2.
3. Honestly, calling the CIC agent is really not much a help. They cannot expedite the process for us and can only provide VERY VERY general information. Calling them will only increase their work load and our anxiety..so sit back and enjoy a cup of tea, check your online portal occasionally, maybe order the GMCS note (if you want), and give yourself and the CIC agents a break

4. 6 months regular timeline is really a BLESSING for us. Look at my Indian and Chinese friends who are waiting for US green cards... they have like 7-8 years ahead of them upon approval due to the back logs. We are WAY better off here, so maybe try to be grateful?
Keep up the hope guys! Appreciate all for providing so so so so much helpful information.