Math facts:
Suppose in 63,777 ITAs the decline rate is 15% -> Landed ~ 54210.45
17489.55÷3000 = 5.8 draws
Setp: 1 draw
Oct: 1 draw
Nov: 2 draw
Dec: 2 draw
Fingers crossed!
With your prediction I can't cross my fingers

There is no target for the issuance of ITA, but for the PR landings. In my opinion, there would be draws like this:
Sep: 2 draws for sure (1 can come as a surprise); = 6500 ITAS (3500)
Oct: 3 draws; = 11000 ITAs
Nov: 2 draws (+1 surprise); = 7300 ITAs (3700)
Dec: 3 draws (last one for Christmas or for New year)= 12000 ITAs
And there would be, probably, around 44.000 ITAs, so relax everybody and get smth to drink and think about it, if you can't imagine so, that is not my fault

As you may see, I'm big dreamer and predict based on pure HOPE along with alive positivism

PS: Doing a
good job and
achieving the desired end result should be our primary motivation.
Always stay positive and hopeful! If you can't do that, so this ROH is not the place you want to be! PEACE