We have landed this morning smoothly. Again, thanks everyone in the forum.
The landing was a bit different than the ones mentioned in this forum. Firstly, we weren`t invited to the office where they usually do the landings in Montreal. I think this office was for citizenship exams. There were like 35-40 couples who had 8:30am appointment like us. A lady explained things about PR in both official languages (took like 7-8 mins). And then they started calling people. I couldn`t figure out in which order. It wasn`t alphabetic for sure. The landing part was same as everyone else`s. Three simple questions and then welcome to Canada. In total it took 1 hour.
Thanks again everybody. I wish good luck to everyone who`s still waiting. Hope to see you in 2 years in the citizenship forum

In the meantime I`ll keep following the forum (since it has become an addiction).