below is the letter I wrote, hope it will help

Dear Sir/ Madam,
Through this letter, I would like to confirm my intention to reside in Ontario. I am attracted to the province of Ontario due to the employment opportunities available in this province, as well as my social connections.
I am a 26 year-old female programmer. I am well-educated, and hold one Bachelor's degree and one Master's Degree, as well as few years of experience in occupations described under Skill 'A' of the National Occupational Classifications 2174.
The province of Ontario is described to be the next tech and startup hub of North America by reputable sources such as Techchrunch, Expert Market, Global Entrepreneurship Development Institute (GEDI), Bloomberg, The Next Silicon Valley, The Atlantic etc. Furthermore, Ontario is home to one of North America's largest IT clusters, second only to Silicon Valley. This has gained the province the nickname “Silicon Valley North”.
I believe that I could thrive in such environment. Based on my occupation, my work experiences, my language skills, and my entreupreneurial spirit, I am confident that Ontario is the best place for me. Work opportunities in the province are abundant, salaries in the tech industry are enjoyable, and the start-up environment is inspiring and promising to me. As a matter of fact, I have already approached several potential employers in the province in the previous months, and am excited about my prospects in the province. Atached, Appendix 1 you will find documentation of my previous emails and job applications in Ontario.
In addition to employment opportunities, I am attracted to Ontario due to my social ties in the province. Ontario is a multicultural province that attracts many immigrants. Many friends and acquitances of mine from Albania have immigrated to Ontario in the past. In particular, my friend XXXX is a Canadian Permanent Resident, who has been residing with her family in Ontario since 2009. Their presence will make it easier for me to adapt the culture and lifestyle of this province. For your reference, you will find attached her Permanent Resident document, as well as a letter of support Ms. XXX wrote for this application (Appendix 2).
In summary, the province of Ontario is a very attractive place to live, and is house to several big cities that rank high in several international rankings of “Best cities to live in”. As such, I look forward to having the opportunity to start a new life in Ontario. Should any questions arise, please do not hesitate to contact me.