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Thread for Acrra Ghana applicants


Hero Member
Aug 25, 2016
Hello house! Anyone living in Regina SK or environs. It's an opportunity to meet with the Honorable Minsiter of Immigration physically as he ll be visiting to talk on some issues that of cos affect us.
Date is Monday 31st July by 6pm
Venue: Auditorium of the Carrefour Horizons (Laval High School) 1440, 9th Avenue North Regina, SK, S4R,SB1.

I had to write this out cos I couldn't figure out how to attach the IV here. Will still do if I do but anyone that can should pls attend to speak on our behalf.


Full Member
May 22, 2015
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
My father went to our MPs office today for me and asked about AVO. They were very nice but just reiterated what we always hear, that the processing for this office is 16 months for Ghana apps and 17 months for Nigeria apps. Unless it goes past that waiting period, we cannot do anything, they cannot do anything for us. If it's a day over then they can act on our behalf but until then, nothing. It pains me to hear that again, even though I knew what I would hear but nonetheless it's hard. Let us pray they speed up with the quick approaching promise of after December 7th 2016 apps being processed in 12 months or less.
Thanks for the feedback.
But I believe there is no vo that doesn't have challenges.
I know people that are over 18months and I have heard people talk about applications that are over 2yrs.
Peoples' lives and destinies are at stake here. Mybe CIC should look at the possibility of transferring more files to more efficient visa offices. Especially those that have not been worked on. And Accra should do everything possible to wrap up files within the 16months timeframe.


Star Member
Jun 2, 2017
Visa Office......
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
None at this time
Passport Req..
Soon by the grace of God
Soon by the grace of God
i think AVO has to be given ppr to august 2016 applicants at least this August and September 2016 applicants at least in September this year and so on to respect the new law of 12months processing timeframe.Do u guys think as i do?


Star Member
Mar 24, 2017
Lagos, Nigeria
Visa Office......
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Upfront, Passed.
Passport Req..
Happy new Month of August Everyone....it is my prayer that we'd celebrate loads of PPR this month In Jesus Name...
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Hero Member
Nov 14, 2016
i think AVO has to be given ppr to august 2016 applicants at least this August and September 2016 applicants at least in September this year and so on to respect the new law of 12months processing timeframe.Do u guys think as i do?
The new processing times only apply to applications (using the new package) made after December 15 2016 or so, I believe. Also it's not a law o. Just a processing time commitment. If na law e for better. Lol.


Hero Member
May 5, 2017
I've been in contact with my MP in the past. I didn't do so to ask for special favours because I recognize that everyone here is in the same situation and we are all worried for and missing our loved ones. I did so venting my frustration with how cumbersome the application process is. I explained that it is as if we get penalized when we make small errors, but the process is not user friendly or easy to follow.

At the time she explained that she is on a working group that has made suggestions on how to improve processing times for various immigration streams moving forward. The suggestions were great and included ideas such as making the spousal application an online process - other immigration streams that have online applications have shorter wait times.

My husband and kids are in Nigeria. The country is becoming more and more dangerous and there has been an increase in armed robberies in my husband's neighbourhood recently. My husband and kids are basically targets for being kidnapped because I am white and Canadian. I am worried about them on a daily basis. But because I don't have any faith that this process will be completed for us by the end of the year, I am going over in early December for a month.

I reached out to my MP again. Again more to vent my frustration than to ask for any favours. I understand their limitations and that if they could do anything to speed up the process, the process wouldn't go any faster because everyone would be trying to jump the queue anyway.

I spoke with her assistant who empathized with the situation, but basically said they can't do anything and then proceeded to tell me about worst case scenarios and cases that have gone on for years and years. Really not what I needed to hear. One case took about 13 years. I am curious now as to what constitutes a complicated case? Any ideas? He also told me that they had three similar calls just that one day, and the day was only half over.

I tried to explain how there is no equality or equity in the process - there are countries where the citizens can come to Canada freely while the process is in place, and the processing is faster and they are safe (here or in their home countries), yet our families are from dangerous countries, generally can't leave during this process, and the process takes longer so they are in danger longer.

I pointed out, too, that we paid for this process. It is not as if we are getting this for free. If this service were coming from a private company, we would request our money back and take our business elsewhere.

He tried to say that the holdups aren't always because of the Canadian government. He said that the process can be held up because governments of countries such as Nigeria and Ghana aren't quick to follow up on requests for security checks. But, don't other streams have security checks also? How can they be faster for people trying to come as students than those who are coming over as spouses?

There have been petitions on Change.org and I am wondering if there is benefit to creating a new one. There was also an article about spousal sponsorship and how difficult it is for the spouses going through this process on the Huffington Post earlier this year (I think). I am trying to find it and find who wrote it. Maybe we could reach out to the writer to see if they would be interested in doing a follow up piece, especially now that the new processes are in place.


Hero Member
May 28, 2017
Accra office is the slowest like they don't work yet are getting paid. i don't get what the hold up is


Star Member
Nov 28, 2016
Visa Office......
App. Filed.......
30th August 2016
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
November 7th 2016
Med's Done....
11th Oct 2017
Passport Req..
8th November 2017
23rd November 2017
I've been in contact with my MP in the past. I didn't do so to ask for special favours because I recognize that everyone here is in the same situation and we are all worried for and missing our loved ones. I did so venting my frustration with how cumbersome the application process is. I explained that it is as if we get penalized when we make small errors, but the process is not user friendly or easy to follow.

At the time she explained that she is on a working group that has made suggestions on how to improve processing times for various immigration streams moving forward. The suggestions were great and included ideas such as making the spousal application an online process - other immigration streams that have online applications have shorter wait times.

My husband and kids are in Nigeria. The country is becoming more and more dangerous and there has been an increase in armed robberies in my husband's neighbourhood recently. My husband and kids are basically targets for being kidnapped because I am white and Canadian. I am worried about them on a daily basis. But because I don't have any faith that this process will be completed for us by the end of the year, I am going over in early December for a month.

I reached out to my MP again. Again more to vent my frustration than to ask for any favours. I understand their limitations and that if they could do anything to speed up the process, the process wouldn't go any faster because everyone would be trying to jump the queue anyway.

I spoke with her assistant who empathized with the situation, but basically said they can't do anything and then proceeded to tell me about worst case scenarios and cases that have gone on for years and years. Really not what I needed to hear. One case took about 13 years. I am curious now as to what constitutes a complicated case? Any ideas? He also told me that they had three similar calls just that one day, and the day was only half over.

I tried to explain how there is no equality or equity in the process - there are countries where the citizens can come to Canada freely while the process is in place, and the processing is faster and they are safe (here or in their home countries), yet our families are from dangerous countries, generally can't leave during this process, and the process takes longer so they are in danger longer.

I pointed out, too, that we paid for this process. It is not as if we are getting this for free. If this service were coming from a private company, we would request our money back and take our business elsewhere.

He tried to say that the holdups aren't always because of the Canadian government. He said that the process can be held up because governments of countries such as Nigeria and Ghana aren't quick to follow up on requests for security checks. But, don't other streams have security checks also? How can they be faster for people trying to come as students than those who are coming over as spouses?

There have been petitions on Change.org and I am wondering if there is benefit to creating a new one. There was also an article about spousal sponsorship and how difficult it is for the spouses going through this process on the Huffington Post earlier this year (I think). I am trying to find it and find who wrote it. Maybe we could reach out to the writer to see if they would be interested in doing a follow up piece, especially now that the new processes are in place.
I've been in contact with my MP in the past. I didn't do so to ask for special favours because I recognize that everyone here is in the same situation and we are all worried for and missing our loved ones. I did so venting my frustration with how cumbersome the application process is. I explained that it is as if we get penalized when we make small errors, but the process is not user friendly or easy to follow.

At the time she explained that she is on a working group that has made suggestions on how to improve processing times for various immigration streams moving forward. The suggestions were great and included ideas such as making the spousal application an online process - other immigration streams that have online applications have shorter wait times.

My husband and kids are in Nigeria. The country is becoming more and more dangerous and there has been an increase in armed robberies in my husband's neighbourhood recently. My husband and kids are basically targets for being kidnapped because I am white and Canadian. I am worried about them on a daily basis. But because I don't have any faith that this process will be completed for us by the end of the year, I am going over in early December for a month.

I reached out to my MP again. Again more to vent my frustration than to ask for any favours. I understand their limitations and that if they could do anything to speed up the process, the process wouldn't go any faster because everyone would be trying to jump the queue anyway.

I spoke with her assistant who empathized with the situation, but basically said they can't do anything and then proceeded to tell me about worst case scenarios and cases that have gone on for years and years. Really not what I needed to hear. One case took about 13 years. I am curious now as to what constitutes a complicated case? Any ideas? He also told me that they had three similar calls just that one day, and the day was only half over.

I tried to explain how there is no equality or equity in the process - there are countries where the citizens can come to Canada freely while the process is in place, and the processing is faster and they are safe (here or in their home countries), yet our families are from dangerous countries, generally can't leave during this process, and the process takes longer so they are in danger longer.

I pointed out, too, that we paid for this process. It is not as if we are getting this for free. If this service were coming from a private company, we would request our money back and take our business elsewhere.

He tried to say that the holdups aren't always because of the Canadian government. He said that the process can be held up because governments of countries such as Nigeria and Ghana aren't quick to follow up on requests for security checks. But, don't other streams have security checks also? How can they be faster for people trying to come as students than those who are coming over as spouses?

There have been petitions on Change.org and I am wondering if there is benefit to creating a new one. There was also an article about spousal sponsorship and how difficult it is for the spouses going through this process on the Huffington Post earlier this year (I think). I am trying to find it and find who wrote it. Maybe we could reach out to the writer to see if they would be interested in doing a follow up piece, especially now that the new processes are in place.
Unfortunately that's what all the more officesare saying my Mp is the minister of immigration and the have no sensible advice or help to render to me ..imagine the lady is telling me about other immigration cases ..My husband's applications is August 2016 and I was told the didn't touch his file for almost 1year .am seriously thinking are just sitting with their feet up n arms fold.. this process has taken a toll on my health I was in n out of hospital for the past weeks n I have decided to just let God's will be done ..in this matter..God be with us all as we wait n my prayer is that we receive positive news in Jesus mighty name


Hero Member
May 5, 2017
Unfortunately that's what all the more officesare saying my Mp is the minister of immigration and the have no sensible advice or help to render to me ..imagine the lady is telling me about other immigration cases ..My husband's applications is August 2016 and I was told the didn't touch his file for almost 1year .am seriously thinking are just sitting with their feet up n arms fold.. this process has taken a toll on my health I was in n out of hospital for the past weeks n I have decided to just let God's will be done ..in this matter..God be with us all as we wait n my prayer is that we receive positive news in Jesus mighty name
There must be a huge economic burden on the country (Canada) by having this process take so long. If guess most of us are sending money to support our families. That's money that's not going into the Canadian economy.

There must be a lot of time wasted having to answer calls wanting updates on the progress. The money spent on these wages could be better channeled into additional caseworkers. Speed up the processing times, improve the overall process and provide better communication and people wouldn't be calling for updates as often.

And then there is the emotional strain being put on applicants. I know that when I came back from my visit with my family I was beyond just being sad. And I know I wasn't as productive at work as I normally am. So again, lost productivity is an economic drain.

Then there is just the fact that as Canadians we have come to be treated with a certain amount of compassion and respect. And our loved ones are future Canadians also. I don't feel respected during this process, or that is in the slightest way compassionate.


Star Member
Mar 24, 2017
Lagos, Nigeria
Visa Office......
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Upfront, Passed.
Passport Req..
I've emailed the Huffington Post to suggest a need article or blog piece on the inequality of processing between countries and application types.
You've done well...it really is unfair...


Star Member
Oct 25, 2016
Visa Office......
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
Is there anyone who ordered notes recently and it has exceeded the time to get the notes back? I ordered my notes May 24th and till now, no notes. I have emailed them about 3 times but all they keep saying is that they are "waiting for information from abroad" and that they have marked my case as priority for the notes. Still...no notes. Heading to 3 months now. Anyone?