ok i am not saying that you are completely wrong.
But here are my observations. lets take into consideration only the month of january.
there are 512 active january cases as of now.
112 are on medicals passed & e-apr Aor staus.
out of those 114, only 31 are those who have updated there cases in july.
I know u cant update if there is no update at all but what is the probablity that those who have updated before july have still not got anything. there are high chances they have got it and not updated. 45% of them have not updated since after may at all.
also there are many cases whose date of creation and last update date is the same. so there 99% chance they created the tracker and than forgot about it.
1. The total number of active cases:

2. 13 are e-apr aor status, 12 are updated within last 60 days. 1 within 90 days (will go inactive after 90)
3. 101 in meds pass. 65 updated within last 60 days, 36 within 90 days (will go inactive after 90).
4. All of the cases which being inactive are sent reminders to update. Unless user unsubscribe or update the case, reminders will continue to be dropped.
You say there are moderators. well in the month of march there are many duplicates. 3 that i can name right now. all of them with last update as same as date of creation. so why arent the duplicate cases removed.
Andy: 3? OMG! That's not a lot of 500+ cases. Sorry, but we are all humans. You can tell which 3, so we will remove.
and yes if you calculate the number of ppr's given out this year they are 54500+ and compare it to the number of cases on the tracker this year.yes i know about the method of sampling, but this is different. the more the cases, the more workload for the offices. isnt there a high chance that the ratio of ppl getting ppr here is faster than out of those who arent on the tracker. yes it can be visa-versa but think about this. on the tracker the percentage of ppr received is 73% but if you add all the actual cases of january, the figure will drastically change. It can be more than 73% and even less. and when u consider so many cases, even small percentages matter.
Andy: The more cases or the less, it will be reflected in the sample. As sample is large enough, more than large enough to show the real picture.
This is pure speculation, you try to argue with statistical sampling by using speculative arguments without pointing to any facts. One can assume whatever - tracker offers statistically valid and very diverse sample.
The sample is 100% supported by other evidence, i.e. January AOR group, 100 members, about 30 are waiting for PPR.
AR: Where did figure of 54500 Passport request come from, can you share the report name, url?