For me, there is a "Party Details" record, that has our info (because I was the "unpaid rep" for my wife). It has a "Disassoc Reason" "Entered in Error". Address type is "Residence"
Please, how do i send an unrequested document. I am strongly considering sending a fresh address history and family forms. I guess that might throw me to the back of the bus again.
Wisa is a Ruskie thing. They really struggle for some reason to pronounce the "V", despite using it actively in everyday language.
I'd offer to review the notes to see if I find anything that would be an issue, but it sounds like you have a handle on it. The only other thing you can do is perhaps talk to your MP, or take up fishing (I can hear
@TempestD's eyes rolling from here!)

. My wife did avoid travel, but is headed home for two weeks in about 2 weeks time...