Hi Guys,
So I do have my basics for PCC in place, however, for one of the countries, I am in a situation which may be quite a unique one than most people applying.
So here it goes -
As per what I have read on the CIC website, it mentions that one needs to provide a PCC from any country that you may have lived, worked, visited etc for a total cumulative period of 6 months in the last 10 years - (Correct me if I am wrong here)
I used to have an annual multiple entry business visa for Indonesia which would let me stay in the country for 60 days at one go, then I could exit the country for a day and then come back for another 60 days. I did this for a while (as a part of market research for a new project) which made me stay in the country for more than 6 months.
Now, based on the requirement of CIC, I will need to arrange a PCC. However, the Indonesia authorities issue PCC for an expat only if you have been staying in the country on a work visa.
You see where this is going? I spent more than 6 months in Indonesia, but the police would not agree to give me a PCC unless I had a work visa. This leaves me floating !!!
Can anyone please advise if you have had a similar experience in another country or maybe even Indonesia?
Any help or suggestions you could provide would be highly, highly appreciated. If you need any more information to understand the situation, please just ask
So I do have my basics for PCC in place, however, for one of the countries, I am in a situation which may be quite a unique one than most people applying.
So here it goes -
As per what I have read on the CIC website, it mentions that one needs to provide a PCC from any country that you may have lived, worked, visited etc for a total cumulative period of 6 months in the last 10 years - (Correct me if I am wrong here)
I used to have an annual multiple entry business visa for Indonesia which would let me stay in the country for 60 days at one go, then I could exit the country for a day and then come back for another 60 days. I did this for a while (as a part of market research for a new project) which made me stay in the country for more than 6 months.
Now, based on the requirement of CIC, I will need to arrange a PCC. However, the Indonesia authorities issue PCC for an expat only if you have been staying in the country on a work visa.
You see where this is going? I spent more than 6 months in Indonesia, but the police would not agree to give me a PCC unless I had a work visa. This leaves me floating !!!
Can anyone please advise if you have had a similar experience in another country or maybe even Indonesia?
Any help or suggestions you could provide would be highly, highly appreciated. If you need any more information to understand the situation, please just ask