I've been on this end of not knowing what to do and where to check...
believe me,in Jan I went to a leading Canada immigration consultant in our country (headquartered in Canada with world over presence) after an online assessment agency replied that I might get around 450 points,after going through my questionnaire...
the person at the consultant entered my details and assessed my score to be 350+ and told me bluntly that it was of no use....I had only registered for my IELTS and she may have had put me at CLB7...i came back disheartened...and that was when I did a bit of research myself and found CRS calculator from canadavisa....and I found out that everything boiled down to IELTS...gave a bit of time for preperation and God was on my side and now I'm home...CLB10...

...even then I wanted to go to a consultant as I didn't know anything about the process
thereafter a cousin suggested this forum and it is the input from all the members gave me the confidence to do it on my own...and believe me,with a consultant I wouldn't have had a Yukon party in the offing...and if I succeed in my dreams (remember the house overlooking the ocean) couple of years down the line, I don't have to spend lonely Christmases..(family will be there...but having an extended family is great...)

and I do have time and patience (till it runs out

)...so here I'm...
anyway all of you've been great too..and this ROH has some bonding...

thanks for the compliment...( I had looked at my last reply and told myself I must be p*****g off other seniors for leaving no work for the seekers and had almost decided not to do anymore lengthy replies..but ur reply tells me it is okay despite the desperation of the delay...