I am done with the Pre Application Phase and will soon be creating my profile . Before I do that i have a few questions. As per a few sites for creation of EOI there are a couple of documents that are must namely( have highlighted my concern against the documents required ):
· Passport copies - Ready
· IELTS/TEF report of self [and if married, then Spouse’s IELTS/TEF is required to gain additional points.]- Ready
· ECA report of self [and of Spouse to gain additional points.]- Ready
· Educational Documents of Self [and Spouse.] (from 10th till highest education)-
What all documents are required to be shared- Mark-sheets- Semester Wise / Consolidated,
Degree Certificates,Transcripts
· Work Experience docs of Self and Spouse- Offer letter, appointment letter, confirmation letter, promotions letter, (if any) salary revision letter, deputation letter / transfer letter, appreciations letter, role change, awards, recognitions, experience/ Service letter, relieving letter and reference letter.
Reference letter is not a must for spouse.-
Please advice about the Reference letter : Any specific format the same needs to be shared in and also can we get the reference letter signed by HR manager or it needs to be compulsorily signed by my Immediate manager .
For my previous job i have all my documents (offer letter, FNF details,relieving letter) the only thing that is missing is the appointment letter as I have misplaced it .Please let me know an alternative for the same if any other document will suffice the appointment letters purpose that I can get from my previous organisation
Updated resume for both (Self and Spouse)- Ready
Another concern is are the Work Experience documents are a must for the creation of EOI as arranging for the reference letters and a few other documents might take a little time
I am done with the Pre Application Phase and will soon be creating my profile . Before I do that i have a few questions. As per a few sites for creation of EOI there are a couple of documents that are must namely( have highlighted my concern against the documents required ):
· Passport copies - Ready
· IELTS/TEF report of self [and if married, then Spouse’s IELTS/TEF is required to gain additional points.]- Ready
· ECA report of self [and of Spouse to gain additional points.]- Ready
· Educational Documents of Self [and Spouse.] (from 10th till highest education)-
What all documents are required to be shared- Mark-sheets- Semester Wise / Consolidated,
Degree Certificates,Transcripts
· Work Experience docs of Self and Spouse- Offer letter, appointment letter, confirmation letter, promotions letter, (if any) salary revision letter, deputation letter / transfer letter, appreciations letter, role change, awards, recognitions, experience/ Service letter, relieving letter and reference letter.
Reference letter is not a must for spouse.-
Please advice about the Reference letter : Any specific format the same needs to be shared in and also can we get the reference letter signed by HR manager or it needs to be compulsorily signed by my Immediate manager .
For my previous job i have all my documents (offer letter, FNF details,relieving letter) the only thing that is missing is the appointment letter as I have misplaced it .Please let me know an alternative for the same if any other document will suffice the appointment letters purpose that I can get from my previous organisation
Updated resume for both (Self and Spouse)- Ready
Another concern is are the Work Experience documents are a must for the creation of EOI as arranging for the reference letters and a few other documents might take a little time