Guys is it possible to have rejections if the pcc is dated and not covering the whole duration?for example i used to live in ksa and visited bahrain a lot by car but rarely stayed over,then i moved and reside in bahrain right now,when i tried to apply for pcc from bahrain they issued me pcc only for the period i resided in bahrain and not before since i used to visit bahrain as a visitor and they. Cant issue pcc for visitors,so my question is will i face any issues because my pcc is dated or i will be ok since having a pcc that shows no past criminal record means that i didnt have any issues for the previous times i used to visit bahrain?also on the cic website they mentioned that cic will issue me a letter to obtain bahrain pcc but i tried without it and managed to have without any issues,so if they needed another pcc for the previous times maybe they will send me a request letter to use at the bahraini authorities right??should i be worried or send an loe via cse to explain the situation?anyone been in a similar scenario please???