That link you gave again talks about the thing where there is no need to send the oath form for minor.. no where it has been talking about sending a empty form for minor... again respect your thoughts but when you post such things then clearly please mention that it's a guess by you and not sure as others may get confuse with such a confusing act being done by sending blank form .. because you have talked about sending empty form with so much confidence that I was doubting my understanding after that

I wrote 'I was planning not to send my child's oath form who is under 14 but I have decided to send a blank oath form(not signed) so they don't forget to upload her certificate'
I have seen both scenarios, folks not sending the minor's oath form or folks sending a blank oath form- they all got their certificates in the end but maybe some experienced delays because....
And I still stand my ground, I am going to send a blank form and I added 'my thoughts' so please look up 'plan' and 'thoughts' in the dictionary before you pass your snarky judgements here.
It's not like they are going to punish us for sending a blank oath form.