it says that if you are a refugee, you have to use RTD, but do you know that if you are accepted, you can apply for your seized document back? and you can use it? Please verify the information before passing it as it can be misleading.. This is to no offense, you can simply call CBSA and cross-check the information i am providing, again, i repeat, you can use your NATIONAL passport to travel back to your country as at the time of your Canadian passport, you have to show them your NATIONAL PASSPORT AND YOUR RTD AS WELL, and it can arise a question that if you were fearing prosecution, why you traveled back to your country.Working in Aviation and witnessed people using their COO passport does not justify violation. below links for your reference, to save you time.
I know many refugees, who went back to their home country on their own passports, but they had a justification for the same when they appeared for their interview for nationalization..
i am passing the information, the best source is to call RPD/IRB and check from them the same.