Hello all, need your guidance on visitor visa rejections for my MIL (Thrice) and for my FIL (twice).
First application (old portal in 2022):
purpose of visit is to spend time with their granddaughter (newborn). Showed proof of funds from India in their name and documents showing that father in law owns a business (registration+bank operations+current contracts etc)
Rejection reason: POV not consistent with short stay, Insufficient funds, not satisfied will leave at end of stay.
Second application (Just for MIL-New portal-2023):
POV: spend time with sons family and granddaughter, proof of funds are from us
Rejection reasons: POV not consistent with short stay, not satisfied will leave at end of stay
Third application (FIL and MIL-New Portal-2023):
Pov: spend time with sons family, visit canada and explore its attractions.
Other proofs:
Business proofs and fixed assets for FIL, fixed assets for MIL, explanation letter from their end AND our end assuring that they would leave at end of stay AND ONWARD+RETURN flight tickets.
Rejection reason:
Pov not consistent with short stay, not convinced will leave at end of stay.
We are at our wits end! We have been honest all through our application, therefore mentioned 3 months as the duration of visit. No idea why the Rejection even with flight tickets!!!
The flight tickets are nonrefundable with onward date as March 1st

what are our chances if we apply for supervisa? Don't want another Rejection and ruin their chances in the long run.
Ps: Ordered GCMS notes for first 2 applications and no details in there except officer writing the same thing (rejections) that he/she not convinced. No mention of WHY.