Hi everyone,
Hope you’re all well. I had applied for a non-express entry PNP and had the following question in the background questions section. On the form itself I had answered “YES” to both the question below and the question that asked if I’ve ever been denied a refugee, permanent, provincial or temporary or visitor visa.
For a little background, I was refused a Canadian student visa/permit the first time I applied and it was approved when I re-applied immediately after the refusal. I’ve declared this in my application.
I’m not all too sure about the question below and need some advice from senior experts on this forum if I’ve answered this correctly. I’ve been as truthful and transparent as I can. Will the below get me flagged for misrepresenting because of my last two paragraphs in my answer?
the background questions and answers i need help in. This is what I included in my letter of explanation (LOE):
The Question:
Have you or your family been refused admission to, or ordered to leave, Canada or any other country or territory?
My Answer:
The only reason I have answered YES to this question is because I had a Canadian Student Visa/Permit refusal when I initially applied. (I mentioned this in the previous background question).
Other than the Canadian Student Visa/Permit refusal mentioned above (which was later approved), I have always been granted entry/admission at the port of entry/border in Canada or any other country/territory I've traveled to. I have also never been ordered to leave Canada or any other country/territory after entering the country.
I'm unsure if the "refused admission to" portion in question 5 includes a visa refusal. For this reason, I just answered YES in this question.
If, however, the "refused admission to" portion in this question doesn't include a visa refusal, and the question only asks if l've been refused admission/entry to Canada or any other country or territory at the port of entry/border, then please note my answer for this question is NO.
I don't have a spouse, common-law partner, or any dependent children. Therefore, I have answered this question only for myself.
I personally think it should be fine but I’m too panicky at the moment.
Any chance of that the last two paragraphs or any portion of my answer get me flagged for misrepresenting?
Thank you for your assistance Seniors