When I last called IRCC, I asked if inland gets PAL or not.. agent said it depends on VO, but I think the way PAL gets triggered is like this:
Once the eligibility review is completed + you have crossed certain phase of BGC (like criminality+ Infosharing or just criminality, security pending) their system generates PAL. I noticed eligibility is checked after one of the stages of BGC is passed for most Non-EE applicant whereas for EE, eligibility phase starts ealier for PA's CRS validation. The PAL letter doesn't say PA name or anything but just letter addressed to PA's UCI.. PA being inland or not, ppl have recieved PAL, some folks got PAL at very end upon DM/portal. A very few applicants with no PAL and got DM/portal. I think those ppl of didn't get PAL have lots of buddies in real and hence needs no PAL.. lol, just kidin!