couple of qns
a - walkin or appointment? - appointment but I don't think it really matters as the security guy gave me token when I entered which seems first come first serve. so not sure at all what does appointmnet mean here

b - wait time? - within 1 hour everything was done.
c - did you try suggesting you don't need courier service? - i did, but he mentioned you can only pickup betwen 3-4 at other 40 gilligham drive location and I have experience of waiting time of that location which is minum 2 hours at any day. So didn't wanna spend my whole day for pickup.
d - reg photos - were those pasted on the form or loose? did the girl at the counter check for studio name or date behind the photo? - I didn't paste on form. yes he checked the date on back of the photo. But if you ask me what's the sense of that anyways we are just pasting thos eon firm and no one can even read the date behind glued photo
Also an advice, get original canadian citizenship certificate with you for all family memebers as they need to verify even though chechklist just say copy