I met my ex wife online in December 2019 at the time she informed me that she was recently laid off and lost her work permit that was tied to her employment. She also mislead me about her educational background and the reason she was working was because she came here and dropped out of school wihthin the first 4 months to work illegally under the table for a cleaning company. The poor choices started there and never stopped like a runaway train. Unknowingly to me she lied to her parents about completeing school and lied to me about birth control as I impregnated her within the first 6 weeks of meeting physically. We ended our relationship and maybe within a week she informed me she was Preggo. Being excited at the prospect of a family I was blinded to the deception that followed. We were married shortly and the very next day the intimacy came to a halt permanently. I allowed 6-8 months for the pregancy issues to clear then it got even worse. Between the lies and deception it was hard to know who this person was, i barely knew her family only spoke to her mother
She convinced me she was committed to giving our son the best life which involves both parents giving 100% of what we have to give and more. Unfortunately after the child was born she displayed serious mental health issues. Over reacting to simple thing, being fearful of House cleaning products, odors, Wi-Fi, Scented Candles, Febreze all cause cancer according to her scientific study (there is none that exist to prove this). Although I was extremely hesitant to Sponsor her, eventually weighing the odds of her being an unproductive individual vs her being able to help our family I agreed. This is where the ruse started to unravel.Within weeks of applying she was already saying she should go somewhere else to live with our son despite not having a job or a place to live. Then she attempted to take my son abroad to acquire a passport only to discover that it requires both parents. A mutual friend informed me of her efforts,
At this point I assesed our situation and realizing my Son needs his mother I tried to negotiate a seperation agreement explaining to her that this is a marriage of convenience, she researched spousal support and child support and refused to negotiate. Refused to work despite being past breast feed stage and basically stayed home doing absolutely nothing, No cooking, Cleaning, no interactions she was like what you would call an inanimate object. Worse is she never attempted to look for employment and instead is calculating her child spousal and Social assistance up for future endeavors. Knowing that I am responsibe for this not caring how it affects my ability to support our family.
I found an opportunity for her near where we live where she would get paid $1100 dollars a month and have free rent and housing being a Property manager for a leasing company with over 400 units. I also offered to help her pay for food and accomodate her so we could Co parent work out a care schedule and be free of each other in our space.Basic job you track maintenance request, collect rent coordinate maintenance etc. She refused and instead wanted to go to Montreal to work at a "Friends" Airbnb.
Seeing that her decision making is fractured and she has no direction or ambition I threatened to report this marriage to IRCC and t get an annulment because this is not a marriage, its a torture. It was clear to me that this woman does not have your best interest or that of the family ony cares for herself. Her mental health declined further culminating with her Physically attacking me and my Mother.
She was charged with Domestc violence Assault and removed from the home however in the aftermath of exchanging the baby for co parenting she took him and fled to a shelter saying that she is scared. Despite her being the criminal who attacked an elderly woman and showed no remorse no accountability. She prevented our family from celebrating Christmas and New Years without my son and refused to answer the phone to negotiate a careschedule insisting on Family Court, Superior Court you know the more expensive onewhere women tend to recieve much favorable rulings.
I am there now going through the process realizing that this individual is so evil that they wuld have a baby and still maintain her same immature behaviour, they have told lie after lie in court that I hopefully have the opportunity to debunk and destroy her credibility. Its hard to prove that this person was in a marriage of convenience but to me it was clear from the day we got married that I had made a Gigantic mistake.
If anyone else is in a relationship with a foreign person I would strongly reccomend that you create a seperation agreement prior to getting married. Also a pre nuptial agreement if your loaded even if your not you could get wealthy one day so do proect your assets. Make sure the person is invested somehow that they have just as much to gain or lose by defaulting. I learned the hard way and maybe I'll have to pay for it for a significant amount of time I strongly hope someone who is in the same position Iwas get these stories so they can avoid letting in more welfare cases with social and criminal deficiencies into Canada.
She convinced me she was committed to giving our son the best life which involves both parents giving 100% of what we have to give and more. Unfortunately after the child was born she displayed serious mental health issues. Over reacting to simple thing, being fearful of House cleaning products, odors, Wi-Fi, Scented Candles, Febreze all cause cancer according to her scientific study (there is none that exist to prove this). Although I was extremely hesitant to Sponsor her, eventually weighing the odds of her being an unproductive individual vs her being able to help our family I agreed. This is where the ruse started to unravel.Within weeks of applying she was already saying she should go somewhere else to live with our son despite not having a job or a place to live. Then she attempted to take my son abroad to acquire a passport only to discover that it requires both parents. A mutual friend informed me of her efforts,
At this point I assesed our situation and realizing my Son needs his mother I tried to negotiate a seperation agreement explaining to her that this is a marriage of convenience, she researched spousal support and child support and refused to negotiate. Refused to work despite being past breast feed stage and basically stayed home doing absolutely nothing, No cooking, Cleaning, no interactions she was like what you would call an inanimate object. Worse is she never attempted to look for employment and instead is calculating her child spousal and Social assistance up for future endeavors. Knowing that I am responsibe for this not caring how it affects my ability to support our family.
I found an opportunity for her near where we live where she would get paid $1100 dollars a month and have free rent and housing being a Property manager for a leasing company with over 400 units. I also offered to help her pay for food and accomodate her so we could Co parent work out a care schedule and be free of each other in our space.Basic job you track maintenance request, collect rent coordinate maintenance etc. She refused and instead wanted to go to Montreal to work at a "Friends" Airbnb.
Seeing that her decision making is fractured and she has no direction or ambition I threatened to report this marriage to IRCC and t get an annulment because this is not a marriage, its a torture. It was clear to me that this woman does not have your best interest or that of the family ony cares for herself. Her mental health declined further culminating with her Physically attacking me and my Mother.
She was charged with Domestc violence Assault and removed from the home however in the aftermath of exchanging the baby for co parenting she took him and fled to a shelter saying that she is scared. Despite her being the criminal who attacked an elderly woman and showed no remorse no accountability. She prevented our family from celebrating Christmas and New Years without my son and refused to answer the phone to negotiate a careschedule insisting on Family Court, Superior Court you know the more expensive onewhere women tend to recieve much favorable rulings.
I am there now going through the process realizing that this individual is so evil that they wuld have a baby and still maintain her same immature behaviour, they have told lie after lie in court that I hopefully have the opportunity to debunk and destroy her credibility. Its hard to prove that this person was in a marriage of convenience but to me it was clear from the day we got married that I had made a Gigantic mistake.
If anyone else is in a relationship with a foreign person I would strongly reccomend that you create a seperation agreement prior to getting married. Also a pre nuptial agreement if your loaded even if your not you could get wealthy one day so do proect your assets. Make sure the person is invested somehow that they have just as much to gain or lose by defaulting. I learned the hard way and maybe I'll have to pay for it for a significant amount of time I strongly hope someone who is in the same position Iwas get these stories so they can avoid letting in more welfare cases with social and criminal deficiencies into Canada.