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Hero Member
Dec 2, 2017
Yeah I was expecting 3000+ as well but oh well. I agree with you’re reasoning, not sure if they will launch the new Tr to Pr in September I think Sean Fraser has to release the framework of the program then but not necessarily launch it. Although I am inland I kinda don’t want them to launch the program just yet to add more uncertainty. Also see that your wife has French, I think you two can benefit from the potential group based draws which may target Francophones. I think with 494 if they increase the draws a bit in the near future there is a good chance you will get your ITA near the end of the year.
Right, September is only when he should prepare the program. But smaller draws might (or might not) be because they are making room for it.

We're hoping for targeted draws for Francophones but nobody knows when that would happen.

We'll try to get over 501 in September. I hope that will be enough.

Also, out profile expires early in September so we're wondering what to do. Create a new one now? Or when?

To be honest, a small draw really surprised us, because they did talk about bringing draws to a pre-pandemic level.
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VIP Member
Apr 19, 2021
London, United Kingdom
Has anyone else here faced this situation or come across anything similar?

Got back my passport on July 5, 2022 without a stamp and with a letter attached that said Application in Progress.

PPR received on June 20, 2022, FSW-O, COR: India, VO: RROC, Remedical passed: April 27, 2022. No documents as per my knowledge are nearing their expiry.

someone have a look, tag the OP when responding.
@wonderbly @EscoBlades @PRANIT01 @Alysson @cansha @RSub @ElegantVegetable @ImpatientAlligator @Rkb94 @seadrag0n @oinkario


Hero Member
Feb 1, 2020
NOC Code......
Right, September is only when he should prepare the program. But smaller draws might (or might not) be because they are making room for it.

We're hoping for targeted draws for Francophones but nobody knows when that would happen.

We'll try to get over 501 in September. I hope that will be enough.

Also, out profile expires early in September so we're wondering what to do. Create a new one now? Or when?

To be honest, a small draw really surprised us, because they did talk about bringing draws to a pre-pandemic level.
Yeah I agree they are probably trying to make room for it and not repeat their mistake last year (90000 TR2PR!!!!)
Honestly I feel if your profile expires in September it might make more sense to create a new one soon just for the tiebreaking rule? The way I see it you are at 483 before September, there is a very slim chance you will get invited before then even with a bigger draw, so may as well create a new one early?

Deleted member 1006777

We are at 483 and wondering about what to do. I still need to pass English, and my wife (primary applicant) will get additional 11 points for work experience in September. But I wonder if that's enough. She has French, so that might help if they target French speaking people.
Unfortunately at this point it's all speculation. Your score is too low for regular FSW and too high for Ontario French draws. Same situation I have been in since February of last year. I'd say there's a chance for you to get an ITA at 483, but slim. Much better chance at 494 but you'll have to wait till September at least imo.

Deleted member 1006777

I’d never have imagined a 516 would sweat about EE draws before 2021, but yet here we are…IRCC’s poor planning around the TR2PR stream made all of us pay the price. I have 501 so I know exactly how many people are in front of me, every round I am doing calculations…
Because Ontario decided to cap scores for French draws, people with 467 have gotten PRs by now, for the exact same stream I should have qualified for. Meanwhile I sit twiddling my thumbs for an ITA. At least this should be a lesson to everyone about how pathetic a country we are moving to. The only value Canada provides is a strong passport. That's it. Always remember that.

Sadly 501 means you're at the very bottom of the 8k profiles in the pool. It must be incredibly frustrating, knowing you have to wait months now. And that normally wouldn't be an issue if we could just trust IRCC to have regular draws. But people here tend to forget easily. Fraser throws a crumb and people lunge at it like starving animals. Then he rug pulls and disappoints everyone. I'd have thought 2 years would be long enough for people to learn.

Deleted member 1006777

Just in case anyone does know, imagine Karen being 29 y/o, never married, graduated from XYZ Uni at her home country, worked for a yr, felt her country sucks, so she moved to Canada for a master, got her PGWP and worked a yr on that. This is perfectly realistic right? If she happens to have CLB 10 in eng/fran, guess her CRS score as *CEC*?
613. Voila, that's how you get 600+ w/o PNP.
The thing you forget is that it is extremely rare for a CEC candidate to work that hard when the country keeps providing hilariously easier pathways for them.

Deleted member 1006777

they are making room for the new TR to PR
This is likely imo. I called this over a year ago. And I'm still confident TR2PR will happen and disrupt any progress express entry will have made by then. It is inevitable.

I actually had the opportunity to go to a decent university for a Master's. I'd be there last september if I had followed through. But Canada doesn't deserve 60k of my money. Nothing in the country justifies that tuition, I'd argue even the PR isn't worth that much money. If you have that kind of money, you might as well double that amount and get citizenship to a small island country that has visa free travel to major western countries (yes this is completely possible, look it up)


Hero Member
Dec 2, 2017
Unfortunately at this point it's all speculation. Your score is too low for regular FSW and too high for Ontario French draws. Same situation I have been in since February of last year. I'd say there's a chance for you to get an ITA at 483, but slim. Much better chance at 494 but you'll have to wait till September at least imo.
She won't get additional points for work experience before September anyway. I will pass English before that for additional points.


Hero Member
Feb 1, 2020
NOC Code......
Good luck man, hope it works out. Canada is an absolute shitshow
Man I share your frustration for sure but don't let it make you resent Canada as a whole before you even came here. There are still a lot to like about the country although no country is ever perfect.


Hero Member
Dec 2, 2017
This is likely imo. I called this over a year ago. And I'm still confident TR2PR will happen and disrupt any progress express entry will have made by then. It is inevitable.
New TR to PR is announced. They should announce it in September (Fraser has until September to organize it). And it will be part of Express Entry, so it will use Express Entry spots.


Hero Member
Apr 29, 2020
For the benefit of those who do not have first hand experience of the reality of the Canadian dream and are putting their lives on hold for what they think is a prize catch (read PR) I wanted to share my experience and observation after spending 3 months there, cutting my losses and coming back.

Apart from a handful of individuals trained in software and emerging technologies in data, the PR dream glorified by the media is a massive fraud perpetrated by the Canadian government, propped up by the blitz of the western media which is highly skilled in the art of projecting an aspirational lifestyle which will remain beyond the grasp of most immigrants. Having worked in recruitment and human resources for over a decade in India, almost exclusively with global MNCs, my conclusion is that the labour market is small in Canada and opportunities limited. While that in itself may not have been a dealbreaker for all, after all immigrants are inherent risk takers who have left everything for a better future, what compounds the situation is the artificial barrier placed by employers on new job seekers in the guise of 'Canadian experience'. This is nothing but an euphemism for the existing white collar job holders (mostly white, no pun intended) to discredit your credentials and qualifications and so as to send you back to the end of the line, to start afresh. So do not be surprised if despite being a marketing professional with many years of global experience, you are asked to consider roles which you have done and dusted at the beginning of your career.

Start with survival jobs you say to bide your time and wait for the perfect opportunity to come by? Should not have been a problem if it was a level playing field with a fair selection process. As a new immigrant, you will be aghast to discover that while you will be asked to apply online for entry level jobs which require no skill or experience, the recruitment, even for these jobs, happen via the back door on the strength of references and more importantly, based on the community you belong to. Being an Indian, it was shocking to discover that one or two communities from my home country are running a parallel economy and your best chance to man the cash till at a Loblaws or Walmart is to belong to the right community. You will be further misguided by folks here who will assure you that using social media channels like linkedin and Indeed will help you crack the job market. I can assure you that people landing jobs via these alone are a statistical anomaly, and that people have better things to do than to meet you for so called 'coffee chats'. After you realize that all those hours and applications on Indeed was actually a BIG waste of time and that you are just another ignored job seeker in front of a computer screen, you will start looking at online classifieds like Kijiji and start visiting burger shops and coffee parlours to drop your resume. Do not be surprised if the owner beats around the bush for a while before asking you 'how old are you'?! That is another Canadian myth busted, that of equal opportunity regardless of colour race age etc etc etc

If you are so sold on this well perpetrated fraud that you don't mind the waiting, the fraudulent machinations of the Canadian government which is skilled in dangling the carrot to keep thousands hooked, come to Canada alone. Do not make the mistake of moving your family lock stock and barrel and putting them in a vulnerable situation. Whether you are in tech or otherwise, you will have to come to Toronto because that is where all the jobs are. You will be sold stories of how there are acts to protect the interest of tenants and other such nonsense but you will be brought crashing down to reality when you will be asked for a credit history in Canada, which as a new immigrant you will not have. Neither will you have a job to prove your ability to make rent. Then you will find one of your own countrymen coming to your aid and offering you a basement, with of course the mild inconvenience of paying 3-6 months rent upfront, so that your family can enjoy the Canadian winter in subterranean dwellings. Bereft of your savings that the Canadian government had enlisted at the application stage, you will gratefully accept whatever employment comes your way, even if its a few notches below the famed minimum wage.

I can go on and on but I am stopping here before I start frothing at the mouth. While many of these elements are not exactly unheard of in immigration narratives and could be written off as the initial trials and tribulations of emigrating to a foreign land, I was dumbstruck by the entrenched racism of the Canadian society. Mind you, nobody is going to call you a currymuncher or Paki on your face, but if you have an iota of self respect and awareness, you will realize how deeply entrenched this phenomenon is in Canada. Regardless of how well educated you are and how good your English is, when you open your mouth, all they see is a brown skinned man speaking a tongue in a manner which the white race does not quite associate with that skin colour. And if that does not get you, the wokeist society and their lying administration will

Deleted member 1006777

Man I share your frustration for sure but don't let it make you resent Canada as a whole before you even came here. There are still a lot to like about the country although no country is ever perfect.
It has revealed what Canada stands for. I agree no country is perfect (I'd argue netherlands comes close though for what I value). I do resent Canada, and I will leave the day I get a Canadian passport. That part is set in stone.

Deleted member 1006777

New TR to PR is announced. They should announce it in September (Fraser has until September to organize it). And it will be part of Express Entry, so it will use Express Entry spots.
AH and there we go. To any outland FSW who doesn't get an ITA by september, you can forget about it. Maybe a small chance to get one mid to late next year. But at that point how many years will you have wasted in getting to this trash country?

Do you have a source for this? If this is true, then FSW is truly done and over.

Update: Yeah it makes sense that they've cut express entry by half. I think this will be the new standard going forward. 50k EE annually and 50-70k TR2PR for the entitled babies. I think anything below 500 will be a low score for FSWs moving forward, and it will eventually be phased out as people start getting Canadian masters, french, 3 years work exp etc.

To any pre-ITA FSWs, GG, you were in a rigged game for the past two years, and you have lost.
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