No, I'm not so sure my friend. Those bureaucrats are not to be trusted. Have a read on this:
CILA testifies to Canadian Parliament’s Immigration Standing Committee on how to improve application processing | Canadian Immigration Lawyers Association (CILA)
The IRCC is clearly not doing its job and had created massive chaos. I'd more than happy to re-submit but they didn't even notify me and God knows whether they are aware of this ridiculous issue that makes thousands suffer. It's more than likely that it is not "me" who needs to re-submit, bcz my files are likely still stuck in the application portal reservoir; it is "they" who need to figure out that the files need to be re-upload to the GCMS.
BTW it's almost been 13 Months since I applid, and my work permit it's about to expire. More people's are already expired without seeing the light of the issuing of the FN, without which we could not get a Bridge Open Work Permit, and our whole PNP/PR, legal status, health card or driver's license what not, are in grave jeopardy. Yet the Bureaucrats don't give a sh*t.
"Inland Refugee Creator Canada" I guess.