I doubt it, the standard of living has dropped significantly in the US the last few decades.While green cards may be a pain, it's easier to make top dollar in the US, there are far more jobs and you're more likely to have a higher standard of living than in Canada or the UK.
American cities are filled with homeless, their crime levels have exponentially risen the last few years and in some cases are comparable to Latin American cities, political discourse has become so toxic that half the people hate the other half, the wealth gap widens every year, etc.
It's still a good country though, and if you compare it to less developed nations in Asia and Africa it's in a much better position, but their standard of living is not all that. Just look at all social index and quality of life rankings where it's not even in the top ten countries.
As a friend of mine says:
"America is like the guy that won the lottery or the rapper with money. While they are elevated in the same economic class as rich Wall Street guru, Fortune 500 CEO, they typically have a ghetto mindset and more likely to go broke in a few years."