Thanks. Correct. Last step was the only step which was fast and i thought it will take 6+ months hence was not expecting anything in 10 days as my previous stages were all very late but when we least expect then they do it quickly

I think that its all depends on the officer and the office how they prioritize.
File was not moving even in new office. I was emailing them the additional documents second time to try making it a reminder that my application is still pending but was not moving after test till Feb.
So i sent some nice email to local office requesting them to review my file on 8th this month, telling that its been 2 years, etc etc(and never tried to tell that why they didnt do it, instead was asking them to consider my file to be reviewed as its been 2 years) and it worked to move to DM in 10 days. Looks like edmonton dont keep the file after DM for long like few other locations hence received oath notification soon or may be the officer was working fast or they are considering clearing 2+ year old files as you said.