I Did a Thing - Pt. 2 (March 15 Update)
Hi all, I've updated the visuals around draws, number of NOIs sent, and lowest CRS score selected, such that they now reflect the most recent AAIP draw on March 8. You can find the earlier post, Pt. 1,
I have also gone back and added more information on timelines from application submission to ADR / nomination from early 2021 onwards.
It's all compiled from publicly available information - Draw data (dates, number of NOIs sent, as well as lowest CRS score information) is from
the AAIP website; timelines (i.e. days from submission to ADR (info request) and/or nomination) is from posts in this forum. Of course there are not a ton of data points, since only a fraction of nominees come to this forum to share their timelines. The more folks do that, the better data we get.
Whereas applicants went from application submission to nomination in 20 to 40 days in the late summer / fall of 2021, currently it seems that applications take quite a bit longer - namely somewhere between 69 and 92 days - to be processed.
The average gap between draws is still 19 days (median 14).